Home Exterior Transformations

From Knox New Look

Does the outside of your home need renovation? Perhaps you have seen on home improvement shows on television how changing the colors outside the home can have a dramatic impact on transforming a home into an aesthetically pleasing sight in your neighborhood.

Perhaps exterior trim can transform the look of a home. Take a look at the image here and you will see how much the trim that Knox New Look installed at the apexs of the roof, above the garage door, and on the brick fascade dramatically change the appearance of this home and add a touch of class to it.

Perhaps you have damage to the exterior of your home due to weather. Perhaps it is storm damage (be sure to visit our page on Damage Recovery). It may be damage that has occurred after years of exposure to weather, like the home that we transformed that is shown in the pictures next.

We removed the damaged exterior (including the wooden wall that separates the exterior wooden panels from the insulation), replaced the insulation, installed new wooden siding, re-stained the French doors, repainted the white door, and even created a new stone entrance floor that really increases the curb appeal of this entrance.

Take a look at the images below, as well, to see what a transformation we did to this home. Keep in mind, this is simply one of many home exteriors that we have transformed into a new look.

Does your home have a brick exterior that needs to be painted to look fresh? Would you prefer that it be sand blasted so as to restore it to its original appearance? We can help.

Is your home one that has a stucco exterior? Those which are stucco-over-concrete block do not typically have moisture migration issues, however, those that are stucco-over-plywood are problematic: Those exteriors, when exposed to weather for several years, are prone to leak into the wooden backing, which not only creates moisture saturated wood, but also can even penetrate into the insulation behind it (just like the pictures above in which the ship-lap siding allowed moisture migration which resulted in serious damage. Knox New Look can help! Give us a call and we'll show you what we can do for you. Some home owners prefer to replace stucco with a stone or brick facade. Let us know if that option interests you. We can help!

Take a look at the newsteps of this home. The owners of this home asked for Knox New Look to build a functional, yet asthetically pleasing, set of b rick steps leading up to the front entrance of their home. This picture was taken while we were still in the process of building the steps. As the concrete dries between the bricks, the grey takes on a whiter color, as is with the brick fascade of the house.

Is the exterior of your home weather-worn? We can help.

Would you like to convert the external design of your home to another type? Perhaps removing vinyl siding and replacing it with cut rocks, bricks, or stones. Take a look at the image above. The entire front of this home was originally stucco-over-plywood which had sustained significant moisture saturation damage that penetrated the plywood into the insulation. This required replacement of the insulation, plywood exterior wall, attaching a heavy metal screen to which the concrete adhered, followed by placement of the cut stones and grouting between. Rather than being a replacement of stucco that would only last a few years, this cut-rock exterior will last a lifetime! Knox New Look loves taking on challenges like this and finished this project in just a few days. The neighbors loved the new look this home had when complete.

Perhaps the exterior of your home simply needs to be painted. We can help!

Sometimes changing the colors of the exterior of a home or office can give it a completely new appearance.

Does your home need a new roof? We can even help you transition from an asphalt shingle roof to a ceramic roof like the one shown in the picture here or to a metal roof. Be sure to see our Roofs page on this site. Give us a call and let us know what we can do for you.

Is your fence in disrepair? That can make your home look uncared for, which is not something you or your neighbors desire. Let us know and we'll discuss options to give your fence the new look it needs.

How are your walkways? Would you like to have a paver-stone patio to support a fire pit so you can enjoy cool nights outside your home? Let us know. How about your garden? Could it use a decorative stone wall separating it from the yard. You would be amazed at what we can do to beautify the exterior of your home or office.

We can help! Our name says it all: Knox New Look - we'll help give your home or business the new look that it deserves. Don't delay. Get in touch with us today!

