Is Your Home or Office Code-Compliant?

Knox New Look Can Help

Whenever renovations are done in a home or office, plans are typically submitted to the local government for review. They must ensure you are compliant with building codes and regulations before they will approve the renovations.


Have you been making improvements to your home without seeking a permit first? The local government can require that the work that you have done be removed to restore the home or office to its original condition before you are allowed to begin again. This can be a costly mistake to make, needless to say. However, it is important to ensure that your building is safe, which is the primary purpose of the codes in the first place.

Perhaps you have been finishing your basement, running electrical wires or plumbing yourself, then putting up the sheet rock walls so you can prepare to paint. If the renovations are not up to code, you could be sleeping in a death trap that night if the electrical wiring is not up to code, or could be swimming in a flooded basement if the plumbing is not up to code. You can trust Knox New Look to not only do the job right, but to ensure the proper permits and inspections by the local government officials is taken care of in the process.

Knox New Look has even been called in to "rescue" home owners who had hired someone they found on social media that claimed they could do the renovations for a fraction of the usual cost. Then, when the local government inspectors found out and came by to inspect, realized just how far out of compliance the renovations were and recommended our company to redo the work, only this time properly done.

What happens if you have renovations done in which no permits are ever issued by the local government and no inspections completed to ensure compliance? When you are ready to sell the home or office, you could very well be facing the cost of removing the unauthorized renovations, acquiring the proper permits, and redoing the project. That is not something you want to deal with.

We at Knox New Look understand the building codes and will ensure the plans are properly submitted, permits issued, and the project completed meeting or exceeding code requirements. You can rest comfortably in our good hands as you proceed with the renovations you desire.

Don't delay . . . Get in touch with us today to ensure you home or business is code compliant. If you have problems you are facing from past renovations that occurred before you acquired the property, we can deliver the solutions you need to bring the building up to speed! Give us a call. You'll be glad you did!
